Collaborate to Prevent Crime in Alberta
We are better prepared to prevent crime with resources and knowledge when we collaborate. In conjunction with the RCMP and our other crime prevention partners, we can support Rural Crime Watch groups and help you with your crime prevention efforts.
Our association with the RCMP, being the eyes and ears of rural Alberta, allows us to effectively prevent crime in rural communities.
The APRCWA can more effectively promote the cooperative efforts of your community with the RCMP. We can also assist associations with educating their membership by promoting programs on Crime Prevention and Awareness. Some other areas we can provide support for your association include:
- Crime prevention initiatives in rural areas – property, equipment, vehicles
- Trained Facilitators for the Senior Fraud Prevent Program
- Rural Crime Watch signs available for purchase by Member Associations
- Rural Crime Watch promotional materials
- Group Liability Insurance for Member Associations
- We can educate you about crime prevention, through association with others, by collaborating ideas and sharing information:
- Newsletters
- Our website
- Interaction and communication with other associations
- Annual General Meeting and Crime Symposium
Please check this page out for all that we have to offer, along with the information you will require to become and maintain your membership. All the governance is included, as well as all the forms and information required to be a member in good standing.